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California Legislative History

This guide provides an overview of California legislative history materials available at Rains Library, as well as a how-to guide to perform your own legislative history.

Buying Compiled California Legislative Histories from Commercial Services

There are companies that specialize in compiling California legislative histories:

For an hourly fee, these companies will compile histories for you.

For a flat fee of around $300, both LRI History and Legislative Intent Service will allow you to download previously compiled histories from their websites. To purchase a compiled history, input the year and chapter or bill number on the website's homepage to see if a compiled history is available and what it costs. (See Screencaps tabs.) Then, input your credit card information to download the history.

If your case truly hinges on the history of a statute, buying a history previously compiled by a legislative history expert is usually the fastest, most reliable, and most comprehensive way to obtain a history. However, if a statute has been repeatedly amended fees can quickly add up- for example, obtaining a complete history for a statute that has been amended three times might cost $1200 ($300 for the original enactment and for each amendment.) Additionally, often your case does not hinge on the history or you only need a basic overview of the history. In these cases, it may make sense to compile a history yourself