For U.S. Supreme Court cases, Bluebook T1.1 tells you to collect cases from the official United States Reports (U.S.), available in print and in PDF scans on HeinOnline:
To locate a case, click the Citation tab and search for the reporter information. For example, to collect Stern v. Marshall, 564 U.S. 462 (2011), click the Citation tab and search 564 U.S. 462. (See Screencap tab).
The official U.S. reporter is generally a few years behind the unofficial reporters, such as West's Supreme Court Reporter (S. Ct.). If a Supreme Court case has not yet been published in U.S., Bluebook T1.1 tells you to cite the case to S. Ct., which is part of West's National Reporter System and can be collected the same way as other West's National Reporter System cases (described below.)
Westlaw posts PDF scans of some but not all cases from its reporter system.
To check for a PDF for a single case, type the reporter information in the main Westlaw search box and then check for a PDF symbol at the top of the page. For example, to collect Mattel, Inc. v. MCA Records, Inc., 296 F.3d 894 (9th Cir. 2002), type 296 F.3d 894 in the main Westlaw search box and then click the PDF symbol at the top of the page. (See Screencap tab.) If you do not see a PDF symbol on Westlaw, you will need to collect the case in print.
To check for PDF scans for multiple cases, use Westlaw's Find & Print tool. (See Video tab.) To retrieve PDFs with Find & Print:
Cases in the ReportedImages folder are scans of the print. Cases in the Westlaw folder are not available as scans on Westlaw and will need to be collected in print.
The same reporter information that allows you to retrieve a case on Westlaw tells you where to find a case in print. For example, to collect a print copy of Mattel, Inc. v. MCA Records, Inc., 296 F.3d 894 (9th Cir. 2002), locate West's Federal Reporter (F.) on the second floor at Rows 207B-210B. Walk past the first two editions to the third edition (F.3d), pull volume 296 off the shelf, and open it to page 894.
The major Bluebook-approved reporters are: